Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Let's get real, AL

I don't know about Shelby steering cash to ex-aides or $250 million to lobbyists and ex-aides. I am not bothered to speculate about Shelby now.

Here are things, however, on my mind:

I believe Bill and Hillary Clinton have, for more than 25 years, been master practitioners and supreme beneficiaries of the corruption of money in politics. I think Clinton Foundation activities of the past 15 years have "appallingly nourished and further ingrained the corruption of money in politics in the United States, as well as globally." See Why should anyone believe HRC on CFR?

There is an excellent chance Hillary Clinton is going to be the next President of the United States.

Trump says "our system is broken." See Trump: "Our system is broken".

It is to be doubted that any of the Republican members of the Alabama legislative delegation in Washington (Senators Shelby and Sessions and Representatives Byrnes, Roby, Rogers, Aderholt, Brooks, and Palmer) will tell their constituents whether they think the system is broken or not.

Rep. Palmer has refused for almost two years to give his opinion. See Just answer the question, Gary Palmer.

Democrat Rep. Sewell is identified by MAYDAY.US  as one of 181 members of Congress who are "leaders supporting fundamental reform".  These 181 members are comprised of 180 Democrats plus Senator Sanders. In my view, these 181 members are mainly indulging in partisan posturing. These members can avoid my charge of partisan posturing if they make the 2016 Congressional candidates' Declaration and carry through on the Declaration between now and November 8, 2016. I have asked Rep. Sewell to make the Declaration but she has not done so yet. I will continue to ask Rep. Sewell to make the Declaration. Until she does, I consider her only engaged in partisan posturing.

Just how bad is the corruption, Captain McConnell?

I think it is pretty bad. I think most of those who know much about it also think it is pretty bad. If you want to read a good book about it, I recommend So Damn Much Money: The Triumph of Lobbying and the Corrosion of American Government, by Robert G. Kaiser. The book was published in 2009. I think the corruption is worse now.

The Alabamians who probably know the best about the corruption in Washington DC are the aforementioned Alabama legislative delegation in Washington. I don't think, however, you will get anything out of them.

I think the citizens are also pretty resigned that nothing can be done about the corruption.

Good luck to you in your campaign, Capt. McConnell, but I don't think you should expect much to come of it.

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