Saturday, February 20, 2016

Breaking out, Part II

In December, I posted Breaking out of like minded social media circles. [Ed. As indicated in Tactics, generically, I am advocating for "scores or hundreds of volunteer tweeters who are willing to send thousands of individually directed tweets to followers shown on follower lists of other Twitter users and to tweeters who use particular hashtags."]

This blog entry summarizes what has happened with Breaking out of like minded social media circles since December.

I have not been able to get any of DemocracySpring, MAYDAY, RepresentUs, WolfPAC, StampStampede, TakeBackOurRepublic, NHRebellion or MoveToAmend to put a stamp of approval on Breaking out of like minded social media circles. I have not even been able to get any of them to express a view about Breaking out of like minded social media circles. [Ed. MAYDAY has condemned this as "spamming." I have staked out a ground on this with Twitter. See Twitter @Support.]

Perhaps the organizations believe there is no worthwhile potential in Breaking out of like minded social media circles and feel it is best to ignore the same and not say anything.

Since they don't say anything, I just don't know what the reason is. I think Breaking out of like minded social media circles has worthwhile potential, and I have been trying to develop it.

There are a lot of tweeters doing tweeting in their like minded social media circles using hashtags such as #getmoneyout #fightbigmoney #fixdemocracyfirst and #democracyspring. I have informed many of them about  Breaking out of like minded social media circles.

I have received a lot of favorable reaction in the form of retweets, favorites, etc., to the idea of Breaking out of like minded social media circles.  To my knowledge, however, I have not been able to persuade anyone to actually put into practice Breaking out of like minded social media circles.

Breaking out of like minded social media circles calls for extra effort, and some gumption.

It is hard to say if or when anyone else will actually put into their own practice Breaking out of like minded social media circles.

If organizations, such as the above listed ones, put their stamp of approval on Breaking out of like minded social media circles, that might encourage individuals to put it into practice for themselves.

Notwithstanding my lack of success in getting others to put into their own practice Breaking out of like minded social media circles, I still think it has meritorious potential and I want to indicate ways in which I have tried to get it to happen since December, and those ways are suggestive of the potential.

I think the state tweeting banks I have set up (or tried to set up) speak for themselves as to their potential. To get a sense, take a look at the SOUTH CAROLINA tweeting bank. These offer potential to get messaging in front of both politically active persons (such as users of #scprimary hashtag) and also persons in the state who are less interested in politics.

An isolated situation arose this week regarding Illinois. About a week ago, ten to fifteen tweeters tweeted
. ask the candidates if they will take the pledge to reject super PAC $ in 2016.
Then, this Thursday, one of those tweeters sent a tweet to one of the Illinois Senate candidates. That caused me to post United States Senate - Illinois and to tweet links to that post soliciting more tweets to be sent to the Illinois Senate candidates and that I would post the same. There have been more than 130 page views of United States Senate - Illinois. Such could be the start of an ILLINOIS tweeting bank, but to get that going takes people who are willing to put into practice Breaking out of like minded social media circles.

Yesterday, I tried again to raise discussion about pushing messaging out beyond like minded social media circles. See Can someone explain #RestoreTheVRA tweeting?

People, we are battling the corrupting influence of money in politics. I don't have to tell you about how many tens of millions of dollar of that money is being used to pay for TV ads, etc., in order to accomplish the political messaging that the corruption money wants.

I am not spending any money in trying to do my messaging, and I believe there is scant money that others have to spend to do messaging they think should be done in the battle against the corrupting influence of money in politics.

Maybe without the money, there is just plain no way to accomplish meaningful messaging, and maybe Breaking out of like minded social media circles is a laughable waste of time.

It would be nice to have someone to discuss this with.

Update 3/6
For more on this subject, see For what it's worth.

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