Yesterday I settled into tweeting to users of the #trump hashtag:
Dear Mr. Trump, please help our country fix Congress by endorsing DeclareForDemocracy. to users of the #feelthebern hashtag:
Dear Senator Sanders, please help our country fix Congress by endorsing DeclareForDemocracy. continue to get a good percentage (more than 50%) of link clicks. I get a few retweets and likes. The response level is about the same for the two hashtags in question. The #trump hashtag has a significant percentage of anti-Trump tweeters. I sent my "Dear Mr. Trump" tweet to them as well.
The recipients of my tweets obviously have a good level of their attention on matters political (as does much of the country at the moment). Sending a couple hundred tweets a day does not amount to much messaging, but it is greater than zero.
Our side regularly purveys how 80% or more, across the political spectrum, believe fundamental reform is needed. See, e.g., NEW MAYDAY.US POLL: Voters of Every Political Stripe Agree on the Need for Fundamental Reform to the Campaign Finance System.
I don't see how our side cannot want, in the middle of this intense Presidential election, to accomplish as much of the messaging that we desire, to as many voters as we can communicate to.
I have set my thing up for trying to do that and am doing what I can.
To my knowledge, no one else has tweeted in my tweeting banks as they are intended to be used.
The time for Senator Sanders being the superlative vehicle that he is for doing the messaging we want to do is probably running out.
I am sure Democracy Awakening and Democracy Spring are using resources to publicize their big Washington centered actions in April.
I am not sure why they decline to pick up on the tweeting I am advocating.
I don't know whether they have difficulty with conceiving of tweets that would elicit clicks on links in the tweets, and of linked webpages that would be worthwhile getting in front of eyeballs and that would make the case why voters should consider our issue meritorious among all the issues and matters being frenziedly played in the Presidential campaigns. (The linked webpages would presumably include calling attention to the April actions.)
I don't know whether Democracy Awakening and Democracy Spring think they can't get followers to do the tweeting.
I don't know whether they think any such tweeting simply cannot achieve any worthwhile messaging.
Since March 15th may be Senator Sanders' drop dead date, I will probably set up some more tweeting banks.
So much for more of for what it's worth.