Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Going for broke in NY State primary

The tweet
Senator Sanders has tweeted this about #DemocracySpring:
(For more information about DemocracySpring, go to http://www.democracyspring.org/.)

The campaign statement
With the critical New York State primary one week away, Senator Sanders should "go for broke" on the issue of the corruption of money in politics. He should do so by issuing a formal campaign statement along the lines of A campaign statement for Sen. Sanders.

The campaign statement "goes for broke" because it injects Senator Sanders into all 435 Congressional district elections in the United States this year, and it tells the Congressional candidates, Republicans, Democrats and other, to do something. To wit, the statement tells the Congressional candidates to demand that the current Congress address and agree on something about corruption of money in politics before Nov. 8th, or the current Congress will face consequences at the ballot box in November.

The statement does not recommend any particular reform legislation. It only demands that Congress stop avoiding the issue (such avoidance being for the reason that Congress benefits from the status quo even though it may not be good for the American people).

Under the statement, all in Congress will (and should) have a say.

Some in Congress may say they think the corruption of money in politics is not a significant issue, and they will not press Congress to take up the matter before Nov. 8th.

Others in Congress may say the corruption is a serious problem for the American people. They may specify their own diagnosis of the problem and propose what they think Congress should do about it. They may express concerns about the value to the country of 1st Amendment rights of free speech, and that the same should be taken into account in crafting solutions to the corruption problem.

All of this will then be up for debate in Congress in full public view. The critical thing is that the debate take place, instead of debate being avoided (because Congress benefits from the status quo even though it is not the best for the American people).

By making the campaign statement, Senator Sanders will be a leader for all the American people in trying to force Congress to debate and act. Congress may choose not to act, and then Senator Sanders can be a leader for the American people to vote their Congress out of office in November.

The NEW YORK STATE tweeting bank
To further "go for broke", Senator Sanders should urge all in his campaign to participate in a massive tweeting bank for sending tweets to Democratic voters in New York state, along the lines of that which is set out at http://2016candidatesdeclarations.blogspot.com/2016/04/the-new-york-state-tweeting-bank-for.html.

If supporters of Senator Sanders throughout the country participate in the tweeting bank, millions of tweets could be sent to New York Democrats. This could possibly sway votes in the New York primary on Tuesday.

Addendum: How you can help
If you want to help on the above, forward this to your local Sanders group for their consideration and pushing up to the national campaign.
If you want to start tweeting to New York Democrats, tweet me or email me at rdshattuck@gmail.com.
If you want to spread the word to Sanders supporters, start sending individual tweets to users of Sanders hashtags (such as #feelthebern). Your tweet might be something like:
We need Bernie supporters to get this going. http://2016candidatesdeclarations.blogspot.com/2016/04/going-for-broke-in-ny-state-primary.html Please tweet me back.
If you get offers to help, please pass them along to me for proceeding from there.

4/16 Comparison to phone banking
Two million calls by 15,000 volunteers translates to 133 calls per volunteer. In the tweet banking described above, a single volunteer can easily send 100 tweets in an hour and can probably send 200 tweets in an hour. Using the 200 number, if the volunteer tweets for 2-1/2 hours on Saturday and 2-1/2 hours on Sunday, that volunteer cans send 1000 tweets during the weekend. One thousand volunteers can send 1,000,000 tweets and 15,000 volunteers can send 15,000,000 tweets.

Also, the tweeting bank has the potential that recipients of tweets may themselves send tweets (i.e., a pyramiding effect) and significantly increase the total number of tweets that are sent.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I agree that something needs to be done, and that Senator Sanders is in a great position to play a key role. However, my involvement with Democracy Spring has taught me that just because you want something, doesn't mean you'll get it. What if Senator Sanders issues that statement and nothing happens as a result, as is most likely to happen? "Going all in" would give Senator Sanders' critics more ammo to say "look how ineffective he is". My biggest fear is that this would be Senator Sanders' "47% moment" -- i.e. the thing his campaign can't come back from that ultimately dooms his chances of winning (if the New York Post article didn't do that with NY's large Jewish population already). The problem with going "all in" is that you have to be ready to lose it all, and with Senator Sanders being the closest the American people have come to a pro-middle class presidential candidate in a long, long time, I'm not sure that taking this gamble would be the best thing for him or the American people in the long run. I am however willing to be convinced otherwise.

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  4. www.thetransgendercenter.com website register/commonwealth of va 211586771/adminstration/agent/consitution rits[1997][1996][1994][19]VHDA HOUSING DISCRIMINATE COMPLAINT CASE 405613 FEDERAL REGULATION DOMINION ACCOUNT 0449853597/COUNTY OF HENICO ACCOUNT 0035951-00269227/DMV COURT FINES A64206275[HOMELESS] THE PROPERTY OF 4001 NORTH AVE RICHMOND VA 23222[8047288626]URGENT REQUEST ATTENTION

  5. Please stop spamming, Diane. Thank you.

  6. Please stop spamming, Diane. Thank you.
