Thursday, November 24, 2016

Can Trump be President?

Is Trump seeking to establish government of Trump, by Trump and for Trump?

Can Trump fulfill his constitutional oath of office to "faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States" if he pursues establishing government of Trump, by Trump and for Trump in connection with his business empire?

Is the proper course of action of "we, the people," through their Congress, to impeach Trump for violating his constitutional oath of office for acting to establish government of Trump, by Trump and for Trump?

For further discussion, see Priority questions for CongressIs Trump risking a hashtag #crookederthanHillary? and Priority questions for AL legislative delegation.

1 comment:

  1. I'm all for giving the President-elect a chance to prove himself before I climb on the "crucify Trump to no end" bandwagon.
    Why don't we use the same criteria for Mr Trump that we used for "ClownPrince"barackHUSSEIN the First, in 'holding-his-feet-to-the-fire......
    Oh, wait!!
    "ClownPrince" obama was never vetted!
    Had he been, his only successes [getting elected TWICE] would'a been doubtful at best!
