Sunday, July 31, 2016

To Jill Stein and supporters

With Senator Sanders out of the Presidential race, you have decisions to make about how best to advance your agenda.

I am sure you have your own ranking of the issues that Senator Sanders made central to his Presidential campaign, and, with slight variation, your personal ranking of issues probably carries over to Jill Stein's agenda.

In how you devote your efforts in the 2016 election, you need to take into account Jill Stein's chances of being elected, and, if those chances are very small, what you can do that would have the greatest effect for advancing your agenda.

I would like to encourage you in a certain direction.

The corrupting influence of money in politics

One of the central issues in both the Sanders campaign and the Jill Stein campaign is the problem of the corrupting influence of money is politics.

Many people, such as Professor Lawrence Lessig, believe that the money corruption prevents the country from properly addressing just about every other important issue, ranging from the economy, to jobs, to climate change, to healthcare, and to education.

Perhaps the most critical thing about the money corruption problem is that the political establishment (on both the Republican and Democratic sides) benefits from the corruption, and the establishment seeks to keep the electorate divided so that it will not join together to force the changes on the establishment that are in the interest of the American people generally.

Surveying the past 25 years, you know how polarized and divided the country is, and there is no sign this is going to lessen in the coming four or eight years.

You may reasonably conclude there is no way unity of the electorate is ever going to be achieved to force Congress to face up to, and act on, its corruption.

This blog, and the citizen effort it  espouses, are exclusively concerned with the money corruption problem and how to overcome the obstacle to achieving needed electorate unity to force the current Congress to act before November 8th and for the 2016 elections to be a national referendum on Congress about this.

The 2016 Presidential and Congressional elections

The 2016 political landscape has been a propitious opportunity for trying to make progress on the corruption problem, fueled particularly by the unforeseen success of the Sanders and Trump "outsider" Presidential campaigns, in which there has been much railing against a fixed, corrupt, and broken political system.

The Republicans have now nominated Donald Trump, and the Democrats Hillary Clinton.

What transpires at the Presidential campaign level regarding the money corruption problem remains to play out.

Putting aside the Supreme Court, and the President's nominating power over Supreme Court justices, Congress has the main lawmaking authority for addressing the money corruption problem, coupled with the people's role in calling constitutional conventions to amend the Constitution.

On the Congressional front, one approach is to seek promises from Congressional candidates of what they will do if they are elected.

Besides the fact that politicians may promise anything to get elected and frequently fail to follow through, there is a further problem with the regular electoral way to get Representatives elected to Congress who support reform and will act for reform.

Regardless of the agreement of voters on the need for reform, voters have differing views on important issues, such as climate change, immigration, abortion and privacy versus security in fighting terrorism and crime. If a Congressional candidate takes positions on other important issues, many voters may not support the candidate on that basis, and this undermines getting needed unity of voters to elect Representatives who will be responsive to the need for reform.

To get around this, a Congressional candidate might take the position that Congress must be fixed first, voter unity on that must not be undermined, and for that reason the candidate declines to take positions on other issues. In all likelihood, a Congressional candidate who takes that approach will attract little voter support.

That, and candidates promising anything to get elected, present a conundrum on the Congressional front.

Since last November, I have been trying to advance a solution, which is set out at 2016 Congressional candidates' Declarations.

This solution is not to ask Congressional candidates to make campaign finance reform a plank in their campaign platforms (which is not an effective approach for the reasons described above).

Rather, the solution is for the voters to demand that all Congressional candidates, incumbents and challengers alike, to declare that the current Congress must, before November 8, 2016,  confront whether or not Congress is corrupt and pass reform (or not) for the American people to consider in casting their votes in November.

Demanding the current Congress act should not be very onerous on a candidate. Any candidate who refuses to make such a demand would look very bad in voters' eyes, I believe.

The overriding objective of this citizen effort is to force Republican and Democratic incumbents in Congress to take a position about whether or not they think Congress is "broken" and needs to be fixed.

Incumbents can take a position that they don't think Congress is "broken" and does not need fixing, and, in November,  their constituents can decide whether the constituents agree or not.

Alternatively, an incumbent in Congress who says that Congress is "broken" can propose what he or she thinks should be done to try to "fix" the broken Congress.

Congressional debate should then ensue. This debate would be subject to an overhanging threat that Congress must debate the subject and agree, or not agree, on something before November 8th, and that something will be the subject of the 2016 elections referendum.

Need for high level leadership

Citizen efforts are weak things because they need tremendous unity and citizen mobilization to succeed, which is very hard to come by. #DeclareForDemocracy, as a citizen effort by itself, does not have much of a chance.

I thought Senator Sanders could give #DeclareForDemocracy a great chance by endorsing it. I endeavored to bring the citizen effort to the attention of Senator Sanders.  I went so far as to draft A campaign statement for Sen. Sanders as a suggestion for him. I thought such a statement would help Senator Sanders in his Presidential campaign, in addition to helping the cause against the money corruption problem.

Whether Senator Sanders never became aware of #DeclareForDemocracy, or made a conscious decision not to endorse it, it did not get taken up by the Sanders campaign.

I think Donald Trump might also be appealed to, and this past week I have been tweeting links to Mr. Trump, why do we have to wait?

While Jill Stein has a microscopic audience compared to Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, Jill Stein and her supporters might be able to make a meaningful penetration on this issue with the electorate, and, in hopes of hopes, that might even trigger Trump and/or Clinton to endorse #DeclareForDemocracy.

To achieve that result will take a lot of effort by voters of all political affiliations.

As of this time, I have not been able to instigate any effort to my knowledge.

I hope Jill Stein and her supporters will take up on this suggestion.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Tweet to Donald Trump

If you think Donald Trump should demand that the current Congress face up to and act on its corruption before Nov. 8th, please send him a tweet by clicking on the below link. The tweet you send will have a link to this blog entry (Mr. Trump, why do we have to wait?).  Also your tweet will contain, and show up under, the Twitter hashtag #DeclareForDemocracy.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Trump tweeting bank template

This is a template for creating a Trump tweeting bank in your Congressional district in order to force the current Congress, before Nov. 8th, to face up and act (or not act) regarding the corrupting influence of money in politics. Donald Trump made this an issue from the start of his campaign, and his campaign can contribute to forcing Congress to act before Nov. 8th, and doing that will aid his campaign. (For more information, please see 2016 Congressional candidates' Declarations.)

The basic idea of the tweeting bank is "I/we are tweeting to you, with a link to here, and I/we solicit you to join in the tweeting, and we thereby grow our numbers, and tweets, in our Congressional district."

For a tweeting bank, you need a webpage for tweets to link to. I can put a webpage for your Congressional district on this blog for your tweets to link to. Alternatively, you can create and host your own webpage for your tweets to link to.

If you use my blog for a webpage for your Congressional district to link to, its exact language can be tailored to suit you.

A generic form of webpage is set forth below.

Once you have your webpage for your tweets to link to, you need to decide on tweet messages to send, and on targets to send your tweets to.

For targets, you basically want voters in your Congressional district. If a Twitter profile indicates that the person appears to be in your Congressional district, you can be indiscriminate or selective as you choose in sending the person a tweet or not.

For your tweets, I suggest something like:
We are tweeting in the __ Cong'l district to demand our current Congress take action regarding its corruption before Nov. 8th. [link to webpage]
As for your webpage for tweets to link to, I suggest something like:


TO: As many voters in the __ Congressional district (regardless of political affiliation) as we can tweet to

This message is being tweeted to you individually.

We who are  tweeting to you share the belief that the American voters should use the 2016 elections to force Congress to confront, before Nov. 8, 2016, whether it is corrupt or not, and to pass reform for voters to consider in November. For more information, please see 2016 Congressional candidates' Declarations.

Hillary Clinton says, if elected President, she will make money in politics reform a top priority from the beginning of her time in office.  For a clip from a speech of hers about this in New Hampshire on July 12th, go to

We who are tweeting to you don't see why the country has to wait until next year to fix Congress.

Also, we think Bill and Hillary Clinton, for more than 25 years, have been master practitioners and supreme beneficiaries of the corrupting influence of money in politics, and we don't think Hillary Clinton can be trusted on this issue.

In the very first debate, Donald Trump said the system is broken.

Donald Trump has been saying that many times, in many ways, ever since.

We think Donald Trump is the Presidential candidate who can best lead the country against the corrupting influence of money in politics.

The President alone, however, cannot make the reforms needed to address the problem of the corrupting influence of money in politics. Congress is ultimately needed to do that, and perhaps a constitutional amendment as well.

Congress has not been responsive to the wishes of the American people that the corrupting influence of money in politics be curtailed. One of the reasons is that Congress and the Washington political class benefit from keeping the electorate divided and preventing needed citizen unity to force Congress to face up to the corruption.

The reasons for the non-responsiveness of Congress would persist regardless of who is  elected President, and a special national political effort is needed to overcome the non-responsiveness of Congress on this matter.

We want there to be a concerted citizen effort throughout the country to demand that all candidates for Congress demand that the current Congress take up this matter before election day as part of a national debate.

In this national debate, incumbent members of Congress may take the position that there is no serious problem that needs addressing before November 8th, and they will not vote for the U.S. Senate or House of Representatives to take the matter up for debate and action before November 8th.

Alternatively, incumbent members of Congress may say there is a serious problem that needs addressing before November 8th, they may specify their own diagnosis of the problem, and they may propose what they think the solution or solutions should be.

All of this will then be up for debate in Congress. Congress shall endeavor to publicize the debate to the American people, Congress shall expressly acknowledge that there are reasons Congress has not been responsive to the American people on the matter, that their debate and taking action before November 8th are part of a special national political effort to overcome the non-responsiveness, and voters should use the Congressional elections in November to vote out of office their incumbent if the voters are not reasonably satisfied with such action that Congress has taken before election day to address the problem of the corrupting influence of money in politics.

We believe that most Democrats, Republicans and independents alike can agree that such a special national political effort should be undertaken during this election year, and that all our citizens should push for this special national political effort to be effective.

We are calling this citizen effort #FixCongressBeforeNov8th.

We want as much publicizing of #FixCongressBeforeNov8th nationwide and in the ___ Congressional district as possible.

The tweeting we are doing is intended to contribute to all the above.

We hope to send individually directed tweets to thousands of voters in the ___ Congressional district, which tweets will have links to this page.

If you come to this page and want to help us do even more tweeting to voters in the ___ Congressional district, please follow the guidance provided below and join in the tweeting.

We of course want our candidates in the ___ Congressional district to know about this, so we have a tweet button below each Congressional candidate in our district for sending a tweet to the candidate. The tweet that pops up for your to send will read:
 @____  I request that you publicly demand that the current Congress face up to its corruption before Nov. 8th. #DeclareForDemocracy. [link to webpage]

We hope you agree with our #FixCongressBeforeNov8th citizen effort.

Thank you.

A. General
This tweeting involves a non-standard use of Twitter, namely, the sending of very large numbers of individually directed tweets to users of "relevant" Twitter hashtags or to followers of "relevant" Twitter accounts for the ___ Congressional district.
A ground has been staked out with Twitter for this method of tweeting. See letter to Twitter @Support.
The object of this method of tweeting is to break out of like minded social media circles in order to "push out" messaging to a wider audience. For discussion of this, please read Breaking out of like minded social media circles.
For questions or discussion about this tweeting, go to Google group topic Congressional district tweeting.

B. Your tweet message
For your tweets, we suggest the following tweet messages that we are sending, but feel free to compose your own (hopefully your tweet have a link to this webpage).
We are tweeting in the __ Cong'l district to demand our current Congress take action regarding its corruption before Nov. 8th. [link to webpage]

C. Persons to send your individually directed tweets to
The object is to find hashtags and twitter accounts which show a lot of twitter users in our ___ Congressional districts that you can send your tweets to. If a person's twitter profile indicates the person appears to be in our ___ Congressional district, be selective or indiscriminate as you choose in sending the person a tweet or not.
Do not worry about redundancy and whether others participating in this tweeting bank may also be tweeting to the same person.
Here are suggestions for hashtags and "following" or "follower" lists to find people to tweet to:
[follower lists of Congressional candidates in ___district]
[more to be added]

D. How to send your tweets efficiently
In doing your tweeting, you are repetitively sending the same tweet message. This can be done very efficiently. Get the tweet message on your mouse clipboard, go to the follower list or hashtag listing you are using for your tweeting, start with the first person on the list you want to tweet to, and do this:
1. Right click on person's Twitter name.
2. Choose "open in new tab"
3. Go to the new tab.
4. Click on the "Tweet to" button.
5. Paste the tweet message in the box.
6. Hit the "Tweet" button.
7. Close the tab, which takes you back to the list
8. Go on to next person, and repeat above steps.
You should be able to send 30 to 40 tweets in a half hour. Send as many tweets as you are willing to. Don't worry about any duplication that you think may arise.
If you are using a hashtag listing, be careful NOT to send your tweet using the "reply" button. Instead, send a clean, new tweet by right clicking on the person's Twitter name as specified in instruction 1 above.


Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Mr. Trump, why do we have to wait?

Dear Mr. Trump,

Yesterday in a speech in New Hampshire, Hillary Clinton committed to making money in politics reform a top priority from the beginning of her time in office if elected president. Clinton said that “it is past time to end the stranglehold of wealthy special interests in Washington and get back to government of the people, by the people, and for the people” and promised that “as president, from my very first days, I will make campaign finance reform a top priority.” See clip from speech at

Why do we have to wait until next year? Why do we have to rely on promises from "crooked Hillary"?

In the very first debate, you said the system is broken.

You have been saying that many times, in many ways, ever since.

Our country does not have to wait to fix Congress and it does not have to rely on promises from "crooked Hillary".

Here's how: You make it part of your campaign that the American voters should demand that the current Congress take up debate of its corruption and act (or not act) before November 8th, so that the 2016 Congressional elections can be a nationwide referendum on our incumbent Congress regarding this issue.

If you are elected President, I believe your goal of making America great again can be more quickly accomplished if Congress has faced up to its corruption before you take office.

Your supporters should create tweeting banks in their Congressional districts to advance this as part of your campaign. For a template for this, see Trump tweeting bank template.

Please also see this previous letter Dear Mr. Trump.

Thank you.

Update 7/24/16: If you think Donald Trump should demand that the current Congress face up to and act on its corruption before Nov. 8th, please send him a tweet by clicking on the below link. The tweet you send will have a link to this blog entry (Mr. Trump, why do we have to wait?).  Also your tweet will contain, and show up under, the Twitter hashtag #DeclareForDemocracy.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Can I get an answer?


July 7th

gerri [3:29 PM] What time is the chat tonight??

kcmartel [4:11 PM] @gerri To stand and act in solidarity with the Movement for Black Lives, we will be canceling the EVFA chat tonight.
Several of us will be joining BLM DC to march against police murder tonight at 7. Please consider joining us, we will be gathering near the bike share.

gerri [4:25 PM] We need to chat about this problem before next Thurs.  Why not still chat at 9 pm?

sarah769 [4:26 PM] Too short notice to come. Too far away :(

kcmartel [4:36 PM] @gerri: we’ll likely still be with BLM at 9. Here’s where thoughts are now on the platform as it relates to the DNC action: "It hits the basic points on public finance, an amendment to overturn CU & Buckley, and voting rights protections. Could be strengthened to indicate priority and be explicit about banning corporate political spending etc. Still, this is a win for our movement. We will be clarifying our demand to the Party, which goes beyond the platform, in the next few days.” 
would love your input so feel free to share hear, we can have discussions in this channel out side of the regularly scheduled chat time.

gerri [5:10 PM] Isn't our "chat" national?  We need to chat, at least, every week or we will go the way of all orgs. : start with a big boom and soon fizzle out.

We need a weekly national chat and we have to assign a person in charge for all 50 states.  Do we have people in all states?

gerri [6:19 PM] The protest is at the white House at 8 pm.

harveywilliams [7:15 PM] I recommend that those who are interested still hold a chat today.

gerri [7:19 PM] Great, Harvey!  We must expand our spring throughout the 50 states with a continued effort, not fits and starts.  Who will be chatting tonight?

Who is in charge of this Spring?  Is anyone organizing this?

harveywilliams [7:26 PM] @gerri: the normal chat moderator will not be here today, I suggest whoever shows up today can have a discussion and organize on their own.   In broader terms I recommend that you organize people in your area to help with EVFA outreach and take advantage of the various EVFA tools such as the toolkit. That's what I've done with some others in Los Angeles.

sarah769 [7:26 PM] I can't chat tonight really. No ones doing crap for solidarity in my town and I can't make DC so going out alone. Good luck

gerri [7:28 PM] Why are you leaving,Sarah.  we're having a chat?

sarah769 [7:29 PM] Not leaving the slack sorry.

Mis spoke

Like literally going down town with a sign

gerri [7:29 PM] Where are you, Sarah?

It seems that my local is not very organized.  I will have to try what you said, harvey.  What are you two doing?

I am new to this.  Do either of  you know what is happening at he national level?  This is not good that it is not weekly and consecutive.

harveywilliams [7:33 PM] @gerri: This is specifically a weekly chat about the Equal Voice for All Declaration.  There is also a DNC action in Philadelphia planned which you can read about at

Regarding the EVFA I recommend contacting your local state representatives and US House representatives to ask them if they will sign the EVFA,  The links you need are in the toolkit I linked to above.  You can find state legislators by entering your address here: and US House reps here:

gerri [7:34 PM] I am older so I am not sure of how to reach people.  I think that it is rather pointless to have bursts of civil disobedience and then no follow upt.

harveywilliams [7:34 PM] For example I have emailed and called my US Rep and now I have a meeting later this month with my US representative to sign the EVFA.

gerri [7:35 PM] What about your senators?

I live in DC so we don't have senators or a voting rep.

Is there an organizing committee or just a motley, straggly group?

Has your rep. agreed to sign?

Who is that?

harveywilliams [7:37 PM] You can see who has signed here:  I will be asking my representative to sign during the meeting.

harveywilliams [7:48 PM] To recap: we can all organize locally if we want to support the Equal Voice for All declaration using the Toolkit linked above.  We can contact our representatives and candidates and ask them to sign.  I recommend calling your representative, asking for the scheduler, and scheduling an in-person meeting to discuss it.  Reach out to others in DC to help.  DC does not have a voting rep but there are Councilmembers and delegates and their support would help.  Click the links that I posted above to get their contact info.  
You can find state legislators by entering your address here:
US House reps here:
For example here is the contact information for Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton (at the bottom of the page)
Capitol Hill Office
2136 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515
phone: (202) 225-8050
fax: 202) 225-3002
hours: M-F 9-5:30pm

Main District Office
90 K Street, NE
Suite 100
Washington, DC 20001
phone: (202) 408-9041
fax: (202) 408-9048
hours: M-F 9-5:30pm

S.E. District Office
2041 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave., S.E.
Suite 238
Washington, DC 20020
phone: (202) 678-8900
fax: (202) 678-8844
hours: M-F 9-5:30pm(edited)

gerri [7:55 PM] I am not that interested in local as I am national. National deals with CU.  Who is organizing this at the national level??  Are we adrift?

It appears that we are adrift.  I want to help but there is nobody here.  Not good.

lindseykrantz [7:58 PM] @sarah769: thanks for standing up

@harveywilliams: thanks for the info.  And the guidance for @gerri

gerri [8:01 PM] Lindsay, where did everybody go?  What happened?  do we have a movement or a fizzle?

lindseykrantz [8:01 PM] @gerri: have you gotten any signers yet?

gerri [8:01 PM] Pls read the afroementioned, Lindsay.

lindseykrantz [8:02 PM] @gerri: there is as much action available as you make for yourself

gerri [8:02 PM] So nobody is doing anything?

lindseykrantz [8:02 PM] I read it

harveywilliams [8:03 PM] @gerri: This is a weekly discussion about the Equal Voice for All Declaration and the strategy is to have everyone get their local representatives to sign.  All support is significant.
Unrelated to the EVFA (and unrelated to this thread) is the upcoming national action at the DNC in Philadelphia if you're interested in that:
I also recommend organizing locally to help.  That's what I've done by starting a Los Angeles Democracy Spring group.

gerri [8:03 PM] Harvey, you keep repeating yourself. I got it the first time.  Pls.

The question is what organization is there at the nat'l level??

Apparently, none?!

lindseykrantz [8:04 PM] @gerri: part of our power is in our decentralized nature

gerri [8:05 PM] I see no action so there are only words.

Without organization we will only have words and excuses about decentralization.

There appears to be no follow up to the wonderful effort in April in DC  Why is that?

What a shame.

harveywilliams [8:09 PM] It's past 6pm PST so that's it for me.  I'll be getting more representatives to sign the EVFA and hopefully I'll see everyone who can make it at the DNC in Philadelphia for the action later this month.

gerri [8:10 PM] Sad.

What action?/  A burst of CV and then retreat back to your hiding places?

A few times a year DS will pop out do CV and then NO FOLLOW UP.

gerri [8:17 PM] civil disobedience

gerri [8:26 PM] I meant CD, Lindsay.  (What was I thinking? Curriculum Vitae?)

sarah769 [9:04 PM] There is national leadership.

justin [9:04 PM] Hi @gerri. I live in DC as well, and you and I have met at a couple of marches. I'm a part of the national support committee.  I've seen your emails this week and haven't had a chance to reply, but I appreciate the excitement and energy you're bringing into this channel. Thanks for being willing to raise concerns.
You ask what followup there's been to our April action. As @harveywilliams was saying (thanks Harvey!) local organizers like himself are coordinating the smaller-scale action followup to our April action. Local followup actions, for the moment, are focused on the Equal Voice for All Declaration.
The EVFA appears, on its surface, to be a simple signature-gathering petition. In truth, it's one part of a longer term grand strategy: waves of civil disobedience escalation locally & nationally tied to the EVFA, locally-focused GOTV to make sure anti-corruption candidates win at the ballot box, and making sure that candidates go into government with a sense of anti-corruption winds at their back.
You're also asking what's happening by way of coordination at the national level. The action Harvey mentioned at the DNC DS is being coordinated from the national level. At the DNC, in addition to the civil disobedience trainings we'll be doing surrounding the action we're planning, there will be trainings to give people a sense of our long term strategy. The key takeaway will be **teaching people how they can go back home to their local level to work to advance the national strategy** via the strategic maneuvers outlined above (local  GOTV for candidates on the side of the people against corruption.).

sarah769 [9:05 PM] You can sign up to volunteer nationally on the website. I have.

justin [9:06 PM] If you can't make it to the trainings in Philly, there will be lots of settings to learn more in depth about our strategic vision and what local implementation looks like--we're having a volunteer party at the movement house this Saturday that you're welcome to attend. In late August, we intend to lead a national training that will train up dozens of new organizers who will be capable of using our national strategy as a map to win victories against corruption at the local level.

Does this meaningfully address your concerns? What other thoughts do you have?

Thanks for signing up to volunteer, @sarah769

sarah769 [9:45 PM] Gotta do my part :) love you all :heart:


July 8th

gerri [1:39 PM] Thank you very much, Justin.  The point is there appears to be NO FOLLOW UP AND NO ORGANIZATION AT THE NATIONAL LEVEL.  ( I don't need Harvey to tell me who my  non voting rep is, pls.)  I am willing to organize at the nat'l level as we don't need bursts of CD every few months and then NO FOLLOW UP??  SURELY PEOPLE CAN SEE THE USELESSNESS OF GRAND ACTIONS AND THEN FOLLOWED BY no action?!  We need orgznization in every state.  We must find someone in each state who will delegate and connect and getall reps/senators on bd.  So far we only have 15 reps out of 535???  PITIFUL.  Stop spinning your wheels and get a brain.  I 'm ready to work.

So, Sarah, what has the national leadership done since April??  What organization is there for each state?  What have they assigned you to do since you volunteered??

What is your part, sarah?  What have you done?

justin [2:43 PM] I invited you to a phone call where I, as a representative from the national level, can speak to your concerns and work a little harder to make clear precisely what followup *is*presently happening,@gerri. Respectfully, this channel is focused specifically on EVFA support, not discussing broader strategic questions. If you've got more big picture concerns after our call, #localrevolution#chitchat or #general would all be more appropriate places.

To make it briefly clear for any incoming readers in @here, we *have*strong organizers from coast to coast who *are* engaged in immediate followup action by way of the EVFA (one step in our strategic plan that will lead to a next step  of escalated action, new member absorption, and subsequent local & national followup actions). There are locally-led state-based sit-ins planned for later this summer. The national team's focus is currently on the DNC, after which point we'll be pivoting to the steps I laid out above.


Justin, I don't know anything about a phone call but on the first EVFA that I was on I left my phone # and no one called me.

I have asked many times who is following up after April and NO ONE has replied.  so it looks like there is no follow up.  Who are these strong leaders/  I haven't heard from any of them!

You did a tremendous thing in april but what did you do after that???  NO one has anything to say about that.  What are the specifics.  I ma offering to help and there was NO one on the EVFA last week or last night.  IMIA!



brendan [4:25 PM] Your messages here speak to the contrary.

Direct message me. I live in DC too. I'd be happy to sit down over some coffee and discuss. This just isn't the proper forum.

justin [4:27 PM] @gerri you emailed me this morning--i replied to that email requesting a chat on the phone.(edited)

you've asked many times about follow up and you've been answered many times by myself and others in this channel. it seems clear the answers you're receiving aren't satisfying you, which is why i'm inviting you to discuss these issues one-on-one so that i can truly understand where our disconnect is occurring, and your concerns can be resolved.

but once again, as i've said & @brendan reiterated, this is not the place to continue this conversation. we can do it over the phone, in DM, or another channel. but not here. thanks for understanding.

gerri [7:10 PM] This is my email: ____________.  I am not young so I don't know all the technology and just have dial up internet.

My phone: ___________.

Justin, I just saw your email suggesting a call now.  I want to help.

Bsebaloaf, I just want to help organize this at the nat'l level.  we need precinct-like captains for each state.

You all have done tremendous work  but we must keep the momentum.

I don't see that my messages speak to the contrary.  any examples, bsebaloaf?

gerri [10:52 PM] Justin, Nobody has told me anything about follow up so I don't know what you are talking about?!


July 9th

robshattuck [8:39 AM] @justin: A month ago I asked whether Democracy Spring would approve/promote tweeting banks.  Can you give an answer on that?

sarah769 [3:45 PM] Busy weekend. Out of town. At a meeting/protest in Philadelphia

tania_maduro [3:52 PM] Multiple people have tried to talk to you @gerri and inform you of what they are doing at the local level, and what you could do. We do have a lot going on, again as multiple have said, at the National Level we are currently planning mass nonviolent disobedience at the DNC in Philly.  For people to contact you, you can also contact us. I, myself have emailed you, you have my own phone number if you search back through all of the emails between yourself and me. Again, it _________, but I'll be walking into my part time job in just a few minutes, but you can call me in the morning if you would like. You also have an email inviting you to our movement house for a bbq tonight, which we'll discuss the national level planned DNC action. But you never accepted. This channel is for the Equal Voice for All, if you would like to chat about other things, look under the section channels, and look for announcements. This space is for all of us local and national to talk and communicate with positivity and kindness, so we ask that you please follow that. Please stick to being positive and kind while writing in here. If you can't, then please refrain from chatting in here and call me. Or have patience please, everyone is busy, and @justin or @brendan,  I'm sure will contact you.(edited)

Thank you.

justin [4:15 PM] Howdy @channel, just as a heads up Gerri and I have talked and we're on the same page now.

lindseykrantz [4:26 PM] @justin: thanks friend

gerri [5:34 PM] Thank you, Justin.

gerri [5:39 PM] Tania, let's keep it real here.  My complaints started with and on the EVFA Thursday night chat line where there were no leaders in the last weeks as in nobody was in charge.  so there were not "multiple" people trying to talk to me on my questions there about follow up.  Let's not exaggerate, tania.There were 2 people.  Also, I don't appreciate your saying to me that we should be kind.  Yes.  We should all be kind, for sure.  Where was I not kind, please tell me??