Friday, June 3, 2016

To tweeters

I see from the #FightBigMoney Twitter hashtag that, in the past couple of days, a fair number of people have tweeted to their Representatives in Congress (or to candidates for Congress) this:
If elected, what will you do to #FightBigMoney?
The tweets I see include tweets to Representatives in Congress (or to candidates) in Pennsylvania, Maryland, Illinois, Ohio and Indiana.

You who have been tweeting, together with, should consider whether your impact can be greatly expanded if you start tweeting banks in individual Congressional districts (or states).

The potential expanded impact is both publicizing the issue to voters in the district (or state) and also recruiting them to send their own tweets to the Representative and candidates in the district (or state).

To get a better idea of how a tweeting bank works, please see this Template for Congressional districts, and for a specific example see FL23 tweeting bank.

I like the open ended tweet message you are employing of "If elected, what will you do to #FightBigMoney?" At this juncture, that seems superior to a tweet message which asks whether the Representative or candidate supports or will support particular reform legislation.

I also like the approach I have taken of asking incumbents and candidates to demand that the current Congress address the corruption issue before Nov. 8th. I think this can engender even better opportunity to make the 2016 elections a referendum on the corruption issue.

The webpage for a particular Congressional district that tweets sent in the tweeting bank will link to can be on the website and can tailored to exactly what wants the webpage to say.

One alteration to the tweeting bank webpage format exemplified by Template for Congressional districts and FL23 tweeting bank is that there should additionally be "Tweet to" buttons for each of the Representative and other candidates which the reader can click on and which causes a tweet to pop up for the reader to send on the reader's Twitter account.

Although "Tweet to" buttons do not currently appear on the foregoing two links, you can find such "Tweet to" buttons on MAYDAY: Tweet and shout at #MD08.

I hope you who have been tweeting, together with, will decide to try out tweeting banks in individual Congressional districts to see whether they expand the impact of your current mode of tweeting.

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