[Suggested campaign statement for Senator Sanders]
I have been campaigning for 9 months for the American people. My campaign motto is "A Future to Believe In." The front page of my website says:
This is your movement.I want to carry this forward as your President. I want what we are doing to have lasting impact for the benefit of the American people.
They have the money, but we have the people. If everyone who visits this website joins our movement, there’s nothing we can't accomplish together.
If I am President, I cannot alone make the reforms needed to address the problem of the corrupting influence of money in politics. Congress is ultimately needed to do that, and perhaps a constitutional amendment as well.
Congress has not been responsive to the wishes of the American people that the corrupting influence of money in politics be curtailed. One of the reasons is that Congress and the Washington political class benefit from keeping the electorate divided and preventing needed citizen unity to force Congress to face up to the corruption.
The reasons for the non-responsiveness of Congress would persist even if I become the Democratic nominee and am elected President.
A special national political effort is needed to overcome the non-responsiveness of Congress on this matter.
I wish for my campaign to be part of that special effort.
Accordingly, in my campaign, I announce my advocacy that the American people force Congress to confront, before November 8, 2016, the nature and extent of its corruption, and to pass reform (or not) for voters to consider.
To do this, there should be a concerted citizen effort throughout the country to demand that all candidates for Congress demand that the current Congress take up this matter before election day as part of a national debate.
In this national debate, incumbent members of Congress may take the position that there is no serious problem that needs addressing before November 8th, and they will not vote for the U.S. Senate or House of Representatives to take the matter up for debate and action before November 8th.
Alternatively, incumbent members of Congress may say there is a serious problem that needs addressing before November 8th, they may specify their own diagnosis of the problem, and they may propose what they think the solution or solutions should be.
All of this will then be up for debate in Congress. Congress shall endeavor to publicize the debate to the American people, Congress shall expressly acknowledge that there are reasons Congress has not been responsive to the American people on the matter, that their debate and taking action before November 8th are part of a special national political effort to overcome the non-responsiveness, and voters should use the Congressional elections in November to vote out of office their incumbent if the voters are not reasonably satisfied with such action that Congress has taken before election day to address the problem of the corrupting influence of money in politics.
Democrats, Republicans and independents alike can well take heed of this campaign statement, and the special national political effort I advocate here. I believe virtually all can agree that such a special national political effort should be undertaken during this election year, and that all our citizens should push for this special national political effort to be effective.
[End of suggested campaign statement for Senator Sanders]
Tweet to Senator Sanders
If you think Senator Sanders should issue the above campaign statement, please send him a tweet by clicking on the below link. (If you need more explanation for why Senator Sanders should issue the statement, see Dear Senator Sanders.) If you use the below link to tweet, your tweet will contain, and show up under, the Twitter hashtag #DeclareForDemocracy.
Tweet here to Senator Sanders
Update 4/12/16
Senator Sanders has tweeted the below
Americans understand that our gov't is dominated by big money. Glad to see people taking action to restore democracy. #DemocracySpring— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) April 11, 2016
There have been thousands of retweets and likes.
With the all critical New York State primary a week away, I think Senator Sanders should "go for broke" and issue a more elaborate, formal campaign statement along the lines of the above.