Sunday, March 20, 2016

A campaign statement for Sen. Sanders

[Please read the below campaign statement for Senator Sanders, and, if you think he should issue the statement, click on the link at the end of this post to send a tweet to Senator Sanders.]

[Suggested campaign statement for Senator Sanders]

I have been campaigning for 9 months for the American people. My campaign motto is "A Future to Believe In." The front page of my website says:
This is your movement.
They have the money, but we have the people. If everyone who visits this website joins our movement, there’s nothing we can't accomplish together.
I want to carry this forward as your President. I want what we are doing to have lasting impact for the benefit of the American people.

If I am President, I cannot alone make the reforms needed to address the problem of the corrupting influence of money in politics. Congress is ultimately needed to do that, and perhaps a constitutional amendment as well.

Congress has not been responsive to the wishes of the American people that the corrupting influence of money in politics be curtailed. One of the reasons is that Congress and the Washington political class benefit from keeping the electorate divided and preventing needed citizen unity to force Congress to face up to the corruption.

The reasons for the non-responsiveness of Congress would persist even if I become the Democratic nominee and am elected President.

A special national political effort is needed to overcome the non-responsiveness of Congress on this matter.

I wish for my campaign to be part of that special effort.

Accordingly, in my campaign, I announce my advocacy that the American people force Congress to confront, before November 8, 2016, the nature and extent of its corruption, and to pass reform (or not) for voters to consider.

To do this, there should be a concerted citizen effort throughout the country to demand that all candidates for Congress demand that the current Congress take up this matter before election day as part of a national debate.

In this national debate, incumbent members of Congress may take the position that there is no serious problem that needs addressing before November 8th, and they will not vote for the U.S. Senate or House of Representatives to take the matter up for debate and action before November 8th.

Alternatively, incumbent members of Congress may say there is a serious problem that needs addressing before November 8th, they may specify their own diagnosis of the problem, and they may propose what they think the solution or solutions should be.

All of this will then be up for debate in Congress. Congress shall endeavor to publicize the debate to the American people, Congress shall expressly acknowledge that there are reasons Congress has not been responsive to the American people on the matter, that their debate and taking action before November 8th are part of a special national political effort to overcome the non-responsiveness, and voters should use the Congressional elections in November to vote out of office their incumbent if the voters are not reasonably satisfied with such action that Congress has taken before election day to address the problem of the corrupting influence of money in politics.

Democrats, Republicans and independents alike can well take heed of this campaign statement, and the special national political effort I advocate here. I believe virtually all can agree that such a special national political effort should be undertaken during this election year, and that all our citizens should push for this special national political effort to be effective.
[End of suggested campaign statement for Senator Sanders]

Tweet to Senator Sanders
If you think Senator Sanders should issue the above campaign statement, please send him a tweet by clicking on the below link. (If you need more explanation for why Senator Sanders should issue the statement, see Dear Senator Sanders.) If you use the below link to tweet, your tweet will contain, and show up under, the Twitter hashtag #DeclareForDemocracy.

Update 4/12/16
Senator Sanders has tweeted the below

There have been thousands of retweets and likes.
With the all critical New York State primary a week away, I think Senator Sanders should "go for broke" and issue a more elaborate, formal campaign statement along the lines of the above.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Tweet here to Senator Sanders

If you think Senator Sanders should endorse #DeclareForDemocracy, please send him a tweet by clicking on the below link. The tweet you send will have a link to Dear Senator Sanders, which explains #DeclareForDemocracy and why Senator Sanders should endorse it. Also your tweet will contain, and show up under, the Twitter hashtag #DeclareForDemocracy.

My Twitter notifications

Copied and pasted below are my past two weeks' Twitter notifications. They are posted here for the purpose of indicating the state of interest (or lack of interest) in what I am doing.

  1.  liked your Tweet
    Why aren't you asking Senator Sanders to endorse DeclareForDemocracy?
  2. Why do you ask random people questions like you already know the answer?
  3. 8 hours ago
     Retweeted you
    14 Nov 2015:
    Tweet and shout at MD 8th Cong'l district to force Congress to act on corruption by 11/8/16.
  4. I don't get why u I don't realize & already support it Will endorse ?
  5. I'm sure he knows. I'll research you and initiative before I recommend, sir. Thank you.
  6. Will do. I’ll read it over right now. Thanks.
  7. Because I wasn’t aware of it. I’ll look it over. That’s the honest answer…
  8. Mar 11
     liked your Tweet
    Mar 11:
    I am doing my best to try to get in front of him. It takes more than me to push it up to him.

  9. Mar 11
     liked your Tweet
  10. that's one of the ways the top 0.000001% subvert democracy and it has to stop
  11. I have no doubt he will support, but the primary focus can't shift right now, stakes are too high.
  12. I called my representative - his representative called me back to assure me they don't work during election years.
  13. a Sander's presidency is the ultimate focus right now, then everything else will surely fall into place.
  14. right now I am focused on spreading Bernie's message. The revolution doesn't sleep. Bernie will endorse when he can.
  15. I don't have access to Bernie I just support him you ask him

  16. Mar 11
     Retweeted you
  17. Mar 10
     liked your Tweet
  18. I wouldn’t use it. Thanks though.
  19. Ya he's good. It's taken a long time to get to this point. It'll take a while to unwind it. Cheers!
  20. since I'm not trump or sanders how about quit posting your weird messages to me.
  21. Rob, that's what bugs me...Gov't IS 'big money'. They 'print' it & we're reduced to lobbying! :((
  22. The Founders secured sound money for a reason. Vote with YOUR dollar! Not gov't 'Continentals'!

  23. what is your issue
  24. 'I don't vote it just encourages them!'
  25. Our first Thunderclap for Bernie just went live PLEASE SIGN ON ASAP and SHARE!
  26. Mar 10
     Retweeted you
    Mar 10:
    How are we doing in pushing our issue to fore in the intense Prez election situation?
  27. Mar 10
     liked your Tweet
    Mar 10:
    How are we doing in pushing our issue to fore in the intense Prez election situation?
  28. Mar 10
     liked your Tweet
    Mar 10:
    How are we doing in pushing our issue to fore in the intense Prez election situation?
  29. -signed CU petition. I'm a Co. Dem Central Committeeman, promoting local candidates. Use this acct to promote
  30. Mar 10
     Retweeted you
  31. I take a more organic approach to composing Tweets. Probably wouldn't use this. Others probably would, though.
  32. Mar 9
     and  Retweeted your Retweet
    Jan 30
    marches into Actually, you don't want to miss this Party!
  33. Mar 9
     Retweeted you
  34. Setting up a thunderclap - should be live by Monday...
  35. Mar 9
     and  Retweeted you
  36. Mar 9
     and  liked your Tweet
  37. Sanders supporter who wd like 2 help March 15 primaries

  38. Mar 9
     liked your Tweet
  39. Mar 9
     Retweeted you
  40. Mar 9
     Retweeted you
  41. Mar 9
     liked your Tweet
  42. You got it!
  43. Mar 9
     liked your Tweet
  44. Mar 9
     Retweeted you
  45. Mar 9
     liked your Tweet
  46. Mar 9
     and  liked your Tweet
  47. The solution to ending cronyism in Washington is to depower Washington. No power, no need to influence them.
  48. Retweeted Rob Shattuck (): Tweet for OHIOANS, on March 15th, to help Senator...
  49. Mar 9
     Retweeted you
  50. Mar 9
     liked your Tweet
  51. Mar 9
     liked your Tweet
  52. Mar 9
     and  Retweeted you
  53. Mar 9
     Retweeted you

  54. Mar 9
     Retweeted you
  55. Mar 9
     liked your Tweet
  56. Mar 9
     Retweeted you
    Mar 9:
    Please tweet for OHIOANS, on Mar. 15th, to help Senator Sanders fix Congress.
  57. Mar 9
     Retweeted your Retweet
    Jan 30
    marches into Actually, you don't want to miss this Party!
  58. Mar 9
     liked your Tweet
    Mar 9:
    Please tweet for OHIOANS, on Mar. 15th, to help Senator Sanders fix Congress.
  59. Mar 8
     Retweeted you
    Mar 8:
    Dear Senator Sanders, please help our country fix Congress by endorsing DeclareForDemocracy.
  60. since I'm not Bernie Sanders, i don't see a point to your tweet to me?
  61. Mar 8
     Retweeted you
    Mar 8:
    Dear Senator Sanders, please help our country fix Congress by endorsing DeclareForDemocracy.

  62. Yes, China is behaving imperialistically to compete with European imperialist capitalism which controls the global economy.
  63. The colonial oppression of Africans everywhere by white power is a material reality and matter of historical record.
  64. Imperialist capitalism is the basis for these problems, because it controls the world economy, exploiting Black people
  65. "okey doke" is not the appropriate response to colonial genocide--you mentioned me in your tweet.REPARATIONS
  66. I support reparations and self-determination for colonized Africans everywhere, not

  67. Mar 8
     Retweeted you
    Mar 8:
    Dear Senator Sanders, please help our country fix Congress by endorsing DeclareForDemocracy.
  68. Mar 6
     Retweeted you
    Mar 6:
    Dear Senator Sanders, please help the country fix Congress by endorsing DeclareForDemocracy.
  69. Mar 5
     Retweeted you
    Mar 5:
    Dear Mr. Trump, please help our country fix Congress by endorsing DeclareForDemocracy.
  70. I vote, I write, email to my reps and senators sign petitions SERVED 6 years for this Democracy. Do you want my blood too?
  71. Vote them all out! Get a Constitution Convention like we did for President and force a Two Term Limit and illegal 2 take $
  72. Dear go to Russia and live there with your 3rd immigrant wife! Don't look back!
  73. Mar 5
     and  liked a Tweet you were mentioned in
  74. No. Wishing in vain for alternatives on both sides.
  75. Mar 3
     and  liked a Tweet you were mentioned in
  76. What's a tweeting bank?
  77. Mar 3
     Retweeted you
    Feb 28:
    Dear Senator Sanders, please help our country fix Congress by endorsing DeclareForDemocracy.
  78. Mar 3
     Retweeted you
    Mar 3:
    Dear Mr. Trump, please help our country fix Congress by endorsing DeclareForDemocracy. …
  79. I'm Canadian, NOT American.
  80. Mar 2
     and  Retweeted you
    Mar 2:
    Dear Mr. Trump, please help our country fix Congress by endorsing DeclareForDemocracy.
  81. duh that means what how can any white expect any black to support a man who wants to boat blacks to Africa? His words
  82. Mar 1
     and  Retweeted you
    Feb 28:
    Dear Mr. Trump, please help our country fix Congress by endorsing DeclareForDemocracy.
  83. Please tweet this to someone who is interested in living in a democracy, because that's NOT me

  84. Feb 28
     Retweeted you
    Feb 28:
    Dear Mr. Trump, please help our country fix Congress by endorsing DeclareForDemocracy.
  85. Obama wants our country to be defeated Hillary to stupid and has no insight she can't see writing on the wall
  86. Hillary Clinton can't see past the nose on her face she can't see what's coming she's following Obama's lead
  87. this is our last chance to have a Republican president of the United States must get everyone out to vote
  88. Feb 28
     and  Retweeted you
    Feb 28:
    Dear Mr. Trump, please help our country fix Congress by endorsing DeclareForDemocracy.
  89. Feb 28
     Retweeted you